Tuesday, February 28, 2012

If you ain't chillin, then we ain't kickin it.

Most of my stories start this way (and so does this one): Today, when I was out walking Allie...
There was this woman sitting on the ground leaning up against a building and I've seen her before but never really said anything. But today, she said, "I like your dog." I responded, "Thanks!" I really should have just kept walking....cause then she says, "my sister has a dog and you know what she calls it?" Me: "no, what?" Woman: "my mom and dad have both been married twice and then ended up back together and they are in Hawaii now and my sister is married to a rich man and they live in New Mexico and have a big house and I'm here smoking on the street, she has everything that was my dad's she got it all and my dad was left with shit and then she got two teeth pulled and had fangs put in and she's down there in Danville and I'm a (some word I couldn't understand). I am part Italian, Native American, and who knows what else. She is there is f-ing Danville with her f-ing rich husband in their big house and all my dad's stuff. I see what goes on on this street and I never say anything. What they do is their business. I could place a citizens arrest but I don't do it. Like what you do with your dog is your business and what they do is theirs. I'm not gonna mess with them. That's why there are cameras everywhere. They'll come after you. Do you have a dollar?" Uhhh....no.
I'm sure she said a lot more, it was a lot to process. And I never found out what her sister calls her dog. :(
One the way back I took an extra loop around the block in hopes she would be gone but to no avail. Also, when crazies call you "little mama" and you don't respond they get annoyed. I didn't know that was my name. Once I realized it they asked if I had a boyfriend. Yes, he lives on the corner of Mason and Ellis, kthanksbye.

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