1. A very large toothless, homeless, black man asked if he could take me to lunch today. We then headed over to the soup kitchen to enjoy a lovely meal together...um, no. Where would he really have taken me, I wonder?? I'm sure he could have thought I was homeless as I was wearing plaid teal rain boots, navy Padres sweatpants, a brown hoodie with the hood up cause it was raining, my hair was a mess, and no make-up. So pretty much lookin' my best.
2. As this was happening some woman bent down to pet Allie and she started barking. And the woman stands up and says, "Oh, I must still have coke on my hand."
3. Then I was walking back and some man started yelling at me asking for money and I said no and he just kept yelling. "Luckily" the man who asked me to lunch was still walking with me and yelling man walked off.
Hopefully, I don't run into any of them again.
The other night was beautiful, I took a picture:
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