Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bekah's Beats

It has really been far too long since I blogged. I can't go this long, way too much to tell! I am gonna start with a new sub-section called "Adventures on the N Judah". (The N Judah is the bus I take to get downtown.)
Adventures on the N Judah
I ride this bus often and I am sure that I don't remember everything. But some hi-lights include:
- One guy who was getting on the bus at a stop a couple away from mine and jumped on right at the last minute...leaving his girlfriend on the platform. Whoops! It was obvious she wasn't thrilled and I don't blame her. 
- I've seen a couple people who get annoyed with the crowds on the bus during rush hour. I would suggest they hang out downtown for a bit before getting on the bus if you're gonna start fights. One dude like accidentally stepped on some other guy and the guy wigged out. Started yelling at him and it turned into a big verbal battle. Scary! 
- So I took Allie down to the Embarcadero one day and had to take her on the bus. She totally freaked out. Especially cause we go through a couple tunnels. She was shaking the whole way. But LOVED being back over there. Sometimes I think she misses the old hood. Anyway, the way back I stuck her in my school bag and some woman saw her and came over to say hi. She said that Allie looks like her dog, Eddie. And showed me a pic, sure enough, they do look just alike! We get on the bus and she tells me about her son and her dogs. Mainly her dogs. She has two yorkies, Eddie and Isabel. She told me about her Christmas card with them and I was reminded of my Christmas card last year...she was the crazy cat lady but with her dogs...please don't let me turn into her. Sort of related - Allie is gonna be a chicken for Halloween. Super excited. Not a good sign for me....

Okay back to other stories. My friend Courtney and I have had a few adventures together. One of which involved a place called Smuggler's Cove. We went there to meet my friend, Matt. And this guy came over to us and tried to guess our names, he guessed Melissa for Courtney and Janice for me. So I decided to spend the rest of the conversation only replying with Mean Girls quotes, whether they applied or not. And then he drunkenly knocked over Courtney's drink - which would be one thing if it was a $3 beer but it was like a $10 cocktail. And then I said something like, "aren't you gonna replace that?" and his response was, "Wow, you really are a mean girl." Uhhhh....thankfully the bartender was awesome and witnessed the whole thing so he made her a new drink. 
Next weekend Courtney, Sophie, and I are going to Vegas. I'd say I'll have a lot of stories, but am I allowed to share them? I don't even know! 
This past weekend my friend, Tim came up from San Diego and we went to the Bridge School Festival. So fun!!! The first day we had lawn seats and we managed to squeeze our way in this tiny space up against some dude's chair and in front of a big loud group. There was a big walkway a couple groups over but people were drunk and stumbling through us anyway. One guy full on stepped on Tim's legs and he yells, "THAT'S ME! I'M A HUMAN!" Too funny, who yells that they are human? Only Tim! I'm pretty sure that happened during some depressing song that I laughed all the way through. The next day we had actual seats, which were amazing. Foster the People were incredible all acoustic. So great. And Tim has a man crush on Ray LaMontagne (He wont be mad at me for posting that, he told like everyone that Ray was, "All hot and homeless looking.") So anyway, day 2, Sarah McLachlan is on, she's playing depressing songs on the piano, amazing but depressing. The woman in front of us in a green fur-like coat and black beanie, was super stoked on Sarah M. The set ends, and this woman stands up, holds her churro in the air, and spins it around. As churros do, it breaks apart hitting people around her. She is left with a little in her hand so she throws it and it hits some man. Hilarious. She laughed (and so did I) for a LONG time after. Guns 'n Roses played - so my old neighbors are super jealous and don't even know it. One more funny Tim story - but I wasn't present for this one. Still funny. Tim's brother and his family live up here and on Monday he was baby sitting his 3 year old niece. I guess the mom is a science teacher and so they watch a lot of educational shows and the one on Monday was about bananas. Tim fell asleep during the show, real good baby sitter, and she got up and went into the kitchen, got a banana, threw it at Tim and it hit him in the face. They did not pick up the banana and when her mom got home she tells her, "I threw a decaying banana at uncle Tim's face!" Such a smart 3 year old! 
You're probably over reading this. I'll write shorter blogs and more often from now on!